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Hello! My name is Shannon Devitt, I'm currently a Senior at Hilliard Darby High School and I'm enrolled in the Academy EDU program at the Innovated Learning Center (ILC). 

I am the middle child in my family with my mom and two sisters. Along with my pup Fritz, who I absolutely adore, and my two cats Ella and Simba. Through out high school I've had an average gpa of 4.0 and taken many different classes at Darby. I'm personally involved in Darby's Theatre Troupe 5658. I've participated in many shows including Peter Pan, Into the Woods and Charlotte's Web. Currently I spend my free time reading, traveling, hanging with friends and volunteering for the community.


I discovered my passion for wanting to become a teacher in 8th grade at Hilliard Heritage Middle School when my 3rd period gym class was lucky enough to help the special needs kids on their gym days. Ever since then I've wanted to go into the field of education but wasn't quite sure which grade, but I definitely wanted to work with kids. I started volunteering and getting out there more, with helping out at the HAC 1st-6th drama day camp in the summer and babysitting too. I even had the pleasure of helping with the Ell Summer School! Seeing the kids faces light up with joy when they figured out the solution filled my heart with happiness! One day I hope to see the same engery in my own students. Teaching is my passion!:)

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